As LOBASELLA, web ring together the best hazelnuts of the Black Sea region and produce Hazelnut Spread with Cocoa by using at rate of 18 % HAZELNUT. Best quality hazelnuts are roasted without any human touch and immediately grinded fresh as powder without using any cocoa, sugar and other ingredients. The quality of the raw materials used in production is very important to us. We pay attention to use the best quality of the cocoa and the selection of the world’s most expensive and best sugar from sugar beet in Turkey.
As the production of Cocoa Hazelnut Spread , the hazelnuts are freshly roasted and grinded into powder. We don’t stock any hazelnut powder in stock fort he future productions. For this purpose, LOBASELLA Hazelnut Cream has a better smell, taste and consistency.
Our aim is to offer the best hazelnut spread that is produced with the best ingredient at the rate of 18% best quality hazelnut and rich chocolate cacoa cream that can be enjoyed with our consumers.
Hazelnut Spread with Cocoa & Hazelnut Butter